Kolokotronis Panagiotis

Communities · Python · Security · Web · panagiks.com

Highly motivated IT professional with an interest in acquiring and applying new skills. Always interested in new technologies. Looking for creative, efficient and clean solutions to Development challenges.


Software Architect / Squad Lead

noris.gr [a noris network AG subsidiary]

Design, document and follow the implementation of reusable solutions, highly available and scaleable web applications and work towards a highter product maturity.

February 2020 - Present

Software Engineer

noris.gr [a noris network AG subsidiary]

Design and implement a highly available and scalable web interface to the company's systems, in close cooperation with the company's Ops department. Additionally design and develop an array of custom solutions for customers along with internal projects, for fun and productivity.

March 2017 - January 2020

Junior Software Engineer & User and Infrastructure Support


Redesign and implementation of previously faulty Visual Basic application used to automatically gather information about the Refinery's reserves and produce the Daily Stock Report. Design and implementation of a Visual Basic application that interfaces the Refinery's Chemical Analysis Server with the Company's Process History Database (PHD) Server. Incident Response to extended network outage. Physical deployment of new Server & Networking Equipment.

July 2016 - September 2016



Lambdaspace is a Hackerspace/Makerspace in Thessaloniki, Greece
Founding member · Network Working Group Member
March 2014 - Present

Wireless Networks Association [WNA]

community operated Metropolitan Wireless Network in Thessaloniki, Greece
Owner · Manager · Maintainer of backbone node
June 2015 - Present

Open Source


RSPET is a is a Python based reverse shell equipped with functionalities that assist in a post exploitation scenario
Author · Maintainer · Project Owner/Manager
RSPET is included in BlackArch Linux and ArchStrike package repositories.
March 2016 - Present


aiohttp is a Python HTTP client/server framework for asyncio


aiohttp-session Provides sessions for aiohttp.web

Jitsi Meet

Jitsi Meet offers Secure, Simple and Scalable Video Conferences that you use as a standalone app or embed in your web application


Programming Languages
Operating Systems (Administration, Packaging for and Deployment)
Other tools and technologies


I like making stuff; but I usually end up breaking stuff. Passionate watcher (and re-watcher) of past DefCon talks. I like all things networks and security.

On the entertainment side, I like American animated series with mature humor like American Dad, Family Guy, Rick And Morty, Bojack Horseman, Futurama (no there's no room for Simpsons in this list).

I also enjoy PC games, mainly immersive open world RPGs but occasionally I play stratengy / simulations games.

Certifications & Awards